Monday, December 15, 2008

When the hell was that picture taken? WHEN? Was it 10th or 11th grade, goddammit?

Why do I give a shit? Look to the far left, above that chick's shoulder. There I am, with my red-as-fuck hair and in my old QOTSA shirt while carrying my old hobo bag. For the love of all that is good, please please please tell me I don't look like that anymore. I FUCKING THOUGHT I WAS A GUY IN THAT PICTURE. That has to be the beginning of my junior year. It can't be the second half... it just can't be.


p.s. There's Nastia in her mauve sweater, and a girl that I think is you in a dress? Same hair at least, and a familiar-ish dress.

p.p.s. I look so so so FAT in this fucking picture.

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