Thursday, October 23, 2008

Beating the odds: How often do I manage to do just that? I've overcome so much, despite and perhaps inspired by the obstacles in my way. My past does not claim who I will be tomorrow, or even the next day. These are the hands of creator, these are the hands of difference. I am not who I used to be, and I will never need to be that person again. There are similarities, of course, but when you look in my eyes... don't just observe the broken soul for its surface, because that's not who I am. Hairline cracks may run through my body, through my mind even, but I am still together as a whole. Fissures have yet to split me entirely in twain, and I doubt they ever will. Please, don't tell me that I can't achieve my dreams, because I know that's a lie. I make my own future possible and, God bless me, I will have what I want.

I'm about to do homework and write some poetry. Go me!

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