Friday, October 17, 2008

"if you cannot be a poet, be the poem." 
-David Carradine

Can you even imagine what this means to me? I can barely put into words just what those words make me feel. I knew immediately after reading it that those three words would belong to me for the rest of my life. They will be a part of me forever, and therefore I will have them tattooed onto me. I'm not quite sure where yet. Perhaps in the space where my rib meets, that peculiar conjunction of bones and organs. Perhaps beneath my collar bones, where I will wear it as proudly as the heart on my sleeves. Perhaps on the delicately soft flesh of my inner arm, and I will know that there is a purpose to construction. Perhaps in the small of my back, where I know it is and few others see it--unless my pants slide down or my shirt rides up or something.

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