Sunday, September 6, 2009

ok, so far the diagnosis is: yeast infection, urinary tract infection, and colonitis.

I'd say I'm doing pretty awesome. /sarcasm

I spent six hours in the ER today. Basically I have a nasty vag and they gave me percocet for the stomach pains, which are probably related to the above diagnoses. I was crying and doubling over and shaking from the pain. It was awful, but now that I'm doped up on percocet, the pain is gone and I'm just sleepy. This is okay compared to the severe and excruciating pain. Even if a male doctor shoved a diaphragm in my vag... s'cool. All is well that ends well.

I have the ideas for my next two tattoos in line. They'll be my lionheaded girl and my favorite Voltaire quote. I miiight get the lionheaded girl from my mother for christmas. I can also ask Debra (my old nutritionist) if she'll see me for half the normal rate, like she used to. Because it's true, I need to see a nutritionist if I'm going to be vegan, bodybuilding, etc. God, I feel so stoned. No wonder these are level whatever restricted drugs. Guhhh.

I might see Kelly soon. I mean, I love Ginny to death, but KELLY!!!! Ohmygosh, it would be so cool and nice to have at least one session with her again. To be able to see Debra and have a couple of sessions with Kelly would be so great. I don't think I'll leave Ginny for awhile, or until I feel comfortable with my clean/sober life.

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