Sunday, August 30, 2009

why am I awake? it's so fucking early. it's like eight in the morning and i don't think i fell asleep until around four. what the butt.

i had the weeeiiiirdest dreams. i broke into my old apartment and got busted, but the lady was really nice, even though i think she called the cops. and i saw my highschool and some teachers i don't know. some of them were just frew crew girls, and one of them looked like my favorite waitress from the diner i used to be a waitress at. i saw my college roommate and her friend, the guy i slept with for awhile. my favorite part was probably how fucking haggard my principal looked. seriously hilarious. i have such dramatic/funny dreams! i'm just going to blame sobriety and medications.

i think my dog woke me up by making noises in her sleep. i took her outside and she just ate grass. goddammit.


i went to an aa meeting! at nine in the morning! woo fuckin' hoo! i even spoke up and talked a bit. i got a nice lady's number and she said to call her before i drink... as in, i can still drink, but call her first, which obviously means i won't drink afterward because i would feel horrible. everyone seemed so sweet and a bunch of people talked to me after the meeting was over. i really, really want to get a hold on myself. this war is everlasting, but i can win the battles day by day. admitting to a group of strangers that i'm a bipolar eating disordered addict always brightens my mood. ...ha.

I went to Salem Lake with my dog. She just kind of sniffed around. I don't know if she likes water. It certainly would make baths simpler. On a bright note, I can do a 45lb back squat. Basically, I can squat the weight of a (very) small child. How awesome, am I right? I'm pretty sure I need coffee and chocolate right now, but I don't really do chocolate, so maybe a mocha? 24oz soy mocha sans whip? Sounds sooo good. It's so fucking hot here and I still have cold hands and feet. At least I had an excuse when I was anorexic. But... fuck this. I can't believe how silly all of this is. I FEEL LIKE SUCH A LOSER. I'm looking at old photos and it's like watching a train wreck.

1 comment:

Allison said...

ok first of all "what the butt" = an audible giggle

next crazy dreams are the best because they are like little escapes from reality and yet you can appreciate that reality isn't as crazy as the dreams.

I want to see your dog. next time i'm in town we are making that happen, you have no choice in the matter :D

and lastly I am so proud of you for going to the AA meetings, eating better, staying sober, staying positive, and just over all taking care of yourself. Yes you were very under weight in those pictures and I'm glad you see that.... that being said, I really miss that day, it was a fun birthday lunch (at least I think we were all together because it was my birthday, I could be making that up) and I was so happy that you were a part of it.

<3 <3 <3