Monday, August 31, 2009

Okay, I'll go back to Unity for AA again today at 10:30, then I go to another one at 5:30, and therapy is around 1 or 2. That's pretty good. Apparently I can just go to Unity everyday except Saturday, but that's when there's the Young People's Group, Early Bird, and Ten-Thirty Group so that's cool I guess. I'm supposed to go to just three a week, so maybe I can stock up and just not go later? Is that bad? Hahaha... do I care?

I'm actually pretty excited. This is like a whole new world, a new place and time for my life to begin anew, and that's pretty cool with me. I wonder if Niki (the lady from the meeting yesterday who gave me her number) will be there today. Gahhh, why am I awake already? At least I can tell Ginny I've gone to meetings. She'll probably be proud of me, or call me out and say I should have been doing to begin with. My mother and I have come to the agreement that she is a total sweetheart. OH MAN, I can tell her I got a dog, but it's turning out really well and not how she expected! Fuck yeah, man. I just want everyone to be proud of me--myself included.

I went to another AA meeting. Okay, therapy in little over an hour at 2. I hate waiting, but at least my dog (am I ever going to quit gushing?) is keeping me company. Ugh, tonight's dinner is going to be awful. It's all foods I would normally binge on, so I might just cook for myself. I won't get out of treatment until 8:30 anyways. I should probably eat now, but... Guhguhguh, I've had too much coffee and therefore feel like food is not even close to my top priority. So, I've been thinking that maybe I should go back to school next semester. Maybe by then I'll have another little place of my own and just go to GTCC and keep a part-time job, etc. I liked living on my own as long as I was taking my meds and, y'know, just taking care of myself. I really want that new tattoo. I'm so glad I shaved my head. It does look really, really good on me... even if it will not help me while getting a job. Surely SOMEONE will just be like, "OMG YOU'RE GORGEOUS AND AWESOME, and BTW YOUR HAIR (OR LACK THEREOF HAHAHAHAHAHA) IS BEAUTIFUL!!! WORK FOR ME. :D" I think I think I'm hilarious but I'm really just lame.

Back from therapy! I am so digging Ginny today, or rather, now that I'm back on my meds and cooperative again. GUHHH. I just ate this piece of cherry candy. I don't know why I picked cherry since there were lemon and peppermints candies too. It tasted like cough syrup and had a nasty syrupy center. I ate a slice of cornbread and some pintos. I'd already had a ton of lentils and rice and a grapefruit. I'm saying that counts as lunch, regardless of the lack of real vegetables. Guhhh... I have had sooooo much coffee. My stomach hates me is basically what I'm saying. I'm still amazed that I can do 45lb back squat 5x. It's... so bad ass. UGHHH. I go to another AA meeting at 5:30, which ends at 6:30, at which point I have the treatment meeting. Dean is even out of town, so Terry is subbing, which basically means I hate her lectures and leadership and I don't want to go. She's not a horrible person; she is just really boring, which is totally okay. To add insult to insult, tonight is a FAMILY MEETING, so my mom is coming while my grandparents go to an al-anon meeting. This is so ridiculous. It's one thing to be supportive and go to therapy with me every once in awhile, but jesusjoseph&mary, this is insane! It's actually kind of embarrassing. Gah! I only have thirty more minutes of freedom. My mom is in therapy right now with the therapist my old therapist recommended. Apparently her therapist is suuuper touchy-feely, which makes me feel a hell of a lot better about the fact that Ginny seems to feel compelled to pat me on the back or hug me after every session. I just don't like trite displays of affection. I MEAN, FOR REAL. Oh, I almost forgot to say that I saw Dave at the AA meeting earlier and he asked me what I would have said if I'd spoken about the topic of vigilance. I didn't really know what to say, but I knew what I wanted to say, so I rambled a bit. I said something about how I have to set boundaries and lay down the law, plus some other stuff. I forgot to say that I have to constantly be honest and call myself out while allowing others to do the same. I'm pretty sure my poor dog has fleas. Blah blah blah. This is my version of journaling, and that is so, so sad.

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