Thursday, November 6, 2008

Don't get your hopes up, babygirl. This could go any direction possible, so don't start wishing now. Save your optimism for later, when you can't get hurt. It's best to just get it over with, so you don't have to worry. Don't freak out, it's not worth it. No one is worth hurting yourself. You probably won't hurt him, so why hurt yourself? He should be fine, so why can't you be just as well? He will care about you no matter what, and you will care about him just as much from now on and you do presently. You and he will be fine. You're very similar... don't you remember him saying that? Perhaps very different as well, but everything will work out. This doesn't have to be just good or bad--there is plenty of grey in a situation like this. Don't blow it up to be so much bigger than it already is. Honestly, this will not be the end of your world. You're an amazing girl, and everyone can see that. You're fun, beautiful, talented, smart... so many great things! Besides, you love everyone. Even if he doesn't care as much as you do, you're used to that by now. That's what happens, and you can handle it. You're a survivor, a very strong person, and you will be alright.

Everything will be alright.

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