Friday, November 7, 2008

No, really... Everything will be alright, sweet girl.

Don't mind how complicated things seem. Just take it slow, let it flow, let it go. They may not see what you see in him, but your intuition has never led you that far astray. Has it? Honestly, he can see himself with you. Is their any higher honor than that? To be held in such high esteem as to be a potential partner? He is worth the wait, and if he decides you two can't be together, than that's his decision. You can't force him to feel the way you feel. You're an intense person and you know what you want and you would like to get it as soon as you realize what it is, but that doesn't mean you can't wait for this. If he's being truthful, and your feelings are true, than it will turn out just fine. At the very least, you will share with him something that is very special--those moments, those touches, those feelings, those words. That openness cannot be replaced between the two of you. No one else was there, they don't know how it happened, how it even felt to be there with the both of you. That silence that you share is precious, and it's something that you've rarely found with another person. Only those closest to you have been there with you in that silence. It isn't like you're the only one to have seen a different side of him, but those moments are your own. They belong. You're a wonderful person, and he can see that, but he can only understand as much as you let him. You have to let him in. The risk is worth taking.

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